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All you need to know about the recent Oregon Senate Bills, from Styrofoam to reusable containers

Oregon Senate Bill 545
"Allowing consumers to use own containers for refilling with food at food establishment"

SB545 became effective July 1, 2024 and allows food establishments to use a customer’s own containers to package prepared foods. Restaurants are also permitted to provide their own reusable containers for take-out, which are then returned by the customer, sanitized, and reused again and again. Customers may also use their own containers to purchase bulk items at grocery stores and at deli counters.

Reuse is a BIG win for everyone as it saves money for the business, provides a healthier container, keeps the food fresher and hotter, travels better, and creates less trash! Tell your favorite food vendors, from food trucks to restaurants to go from single-use to reuse. There’s a better way than throw away!

Read more about this bill here.

Oregon Senate Bill 543
"Prohibits food vendor from using polystyrene foam container in sales of prepared food. Prohibits
food vendor from providing single-use foodware containers to consumer unless foodware containers meet certain criteria.

Prohibits person from selling or distributing polystyrene foam containers or polystyrene foam
packaging peanuts.

Prohibits person from selling or distributing foodware containers containing perfluoroalkyl or
polyfluoroalkyl substances."

Oregon’s again in the forefront improving our environment. SB543 takes effect January 1, 2025 and will ban Styrofoam foodware, which includes #6 polystyrene used in a lot of food service products. This law also bans those notorious “forever” chemicals known as PFAS, which are added to many food containers commonly used as a grease barrier. Big changes will occur in to-go packaging, but Zero Waste McMinnville has done their research over the last few years and we’re able to recommend plastic-free, plant-based fiber containers, with no PFAS, which are readily available at most cash-and-carry stores and restaurant suppliers. World Centric is our choice.

Read more about this bill here.

Oregon Senate Bill 582
Modernizing Oregon's Recycling System

Beginning July 1, 2025, Oregon will standardize recycling for the whole state. No matter where you live, everyone will be able to recycle exactly the same in all communities.  

In addition, this act also creates a DEQ fund that producers of plastic packaging must pay into in order to pay for the disposal costs of their packaging. Currently, consumers pay for the disposal of this packaging, but this law makes producers who choose to use single-use packaging bear the cost. This will create a demand for more infrastructure to meet the needed scaling up of waste management facilities and a lot of opportunity for creative entrepreneurship and jobs. Another BIG win for people and the planet!

Learn more from the DEQ here & here. Read more about this bill here.

Information brought to you by The Plastic Project, Zero Waste McMinnville

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